Business Innovation, Creativity and Competitiveness (BICC) Research Lab

The Business Innovation, Creativity and Competitiveness (BICC) Research Lab of the Department of Management Science & Technology of IHU was re-established by the decision of the Chairman No. 22.2 / 13516 of the Chairman of the International University of Greece (Government Gazette 4110 / B ‘/ 24.09.2020).

Mission – Purposes of the laboratory

1.1 Mission

The development and promotion of research in IHU, the development of cooperation between the faculty members of the Department with research and development agencies in the field of research, the creation of stable research nuclei, the accumulation of experience and know-how within research teams, the support of its development Center for Technological Research of IHU, the monitoring of scientific and technological developments, the dissemination of results in the educational community and the support of evaluation procedures and quality upgrading of the provided education.

1.2 Purposes

As part of its mission, the Laboratory sets the following goals and offers the corresponding services:
• Conducting basic and applied research either independently or in collaboration with other scientific bodies through the design and implementation of relevant research projects at national or international level.
• The cooperation of any form with research centers and academic institutions or other bodies of the domestic and foreign, if the scientific objectives coincide, go hand in hand and complement each other with those of the Laboratory.
• The coverage of the educational and research needs of the Department of Business Administration as well as other departments of IHU, at undergraduate and postgraduate level and in particular in matters that fall within the objects of activity of the Laboratory.
• The creation of technological infrastructure for the more complete teaching of the undergraduate and postgraduate courses that are related to the research objects of the Laboratory.
• The provision of educational services in matters that fall within the objects of the Laboratory.
• The design and implementation of innovative products and services.
• The organization or participation in scientific conferences, lectures, seminars, conferences and other scientific events, the realization of scientific publications and publications and the invitation of Greek and foreign recognized scientists for research or educational purposes.
• The provision of Lifelong Learning services independently or in collaboration with other laboratories or educational institutions.
• The service of the various social and educational needs and issues when and when specific assistance is requested, in matters dealt with by the Laboratory.
• The promotion of Research and Innovation through its scientific potential, either independently or through collaborations, exchange of experiences and know-how, with scientific associations, social organizations, organizations or services of the public sector and companies.
• The provision of services in matters that fall within the objects of the Laboratory according to the provisions of the current legal framework.

2. Research Objects

The cognitive objects of the Laboratory include the following fields:

1. BUSINESS MANAGEMENT, with emphasis on Strategic management of companies and organizations, the development of entrepreneurship, the establishment and management of start-ups, the development of new business models, and the promotion of the extroversion of Greek companies, as well as the support of empirical studies in all individual areas that fall within the subject matter of the organization and management of companies and organizations.

2. MARKETING, with Emphasis on Consumer Behavior, International and Global Marketing, Consumer and Retail Marketing, Service Marketing, Industrial Marketing, Agricultural Marketing, Marketing, e-Marketing, Marketing and Sales Management, conducting market research and surveys, as well as conducting research on quality measurement issues and customer satisfaction.

3. INFORMATION SYSTEMS & QUANTITATIVE METHODS, with priority in specialized research in subjects such as: Design and Development of Business Information Systems & Organizations, E-Business, Security, Online Services, Support Systems, Support Systems Multidimensional Data, Market Surveys and Surveys, Data Structures and Databases, E-Learning, Learning Technology Systems, Collective Decision Making.

4. ECONOMICS OF DEVELOPMENT, with emphasis on applied research and the preparation of sectoral-regional studies of the primary, secondary and tertiary sectors of the economy, mainly in the field of health, education and welfare, but also studies of broader development, feasibility studies and calculation of the social impact of various policy decisions (Social Impact Assessment).

TOURISM, with emphasis on the environment and tourism, the tourism economy and tourism market, the effective management of tourism businesses, the effective organization and management of tourism operators (organizations, associations, non-governmental organizations), cross-border cooperation to promote tourism product, in the alternative forms of tourism and tourism development in our country, in the management of cultural goods and cultural heritage in combination with tourism development, as well as in studies and applications in tourism regarding the identification of training and education needs and implementation respective programs, the use of New Information and Communication Technologies in order to continuously improve the operation of tourism enterprises, to improve the national tourism product and the formation of tourism education in Greece, as well as the use of social networking in tourism.

6. ELECTRONIC AND COMPUTER TECHNOLOGIES – INTERNET INFORMATICS & CLOUD TECHNOLOGIES, with emphasis on Internet technologies, Cloud computing, software, software and applications, applications which concern the development of software and hardware in computer and telecommunication networks, the analysis and design of communication protocols, the design and development of web applications and the development of algorithms, the development of educational software, the creation and support of distance education programs, with modern and asynchronous methods, as well as the creation of multimedia applications, interfaces and services that incorporate machine learning techniques and algorithms.

7. The design and development of innovative products and services.

8. The statistical surveys, the forecasting methods and the social and operational surveys related to the subject of the Laboratory.

3. Staff – Members of the Laboratory

The current staff of the Laboratory is as follows:
1. George Theriou, Dr. Human Resources Management, Associate Professor IHU, Professor IHU, Director of the Laboratory.
2. Dimitrios Maditinos, Dr. Of Finance, Professor IHU.
3. Efstathios Dimitriadis, Dr. Statistics, Professor IHU.
4. Irine Kamenidou, Dr. Marketing, Professor IHU.
5. Dimitrios Christodoulou, Dr. Business administration
6. Spyros Mamalis, Dr. Marketing, Associate Professor IHU.
7. Stefanos Goumas, Dr. Informatics, Associate Professor IHU.
8. Nikolaos Theriou, Dr. Of Financial Planning and Business Research, Professor IHU.
9. Kosmas Kosmidis, Dr. Accounting & Finance, Assistant Professor IHU.
10. Michail Pipiliagopoulos, MDE of Economics, Lecturer of Applications IHU.
11. Chrysanthi Borbotsi, MDE in Tourism Business Administration, Lecturer of Applications IHU.
12. Olga Passalidou, Mathematician.
13. Lazaros Sarigiannidis, Dr. Project Management Associate Professor IHU.
14. Vassilios Angelidis, Dr. Management Information Systems.

Administrative-Technical Staff

1. Charalambos Aitsidis, EIB Dept. Management Science & Technology.
2. Alexandros Giaki, EIB Dept. Management Science & Technology, Technician.

3. Equipment – Infrastructure

The laboratory has the following modern equipment in the laboratory area (room 208) of the library building complex:


• 31 Pcs
• 1 projector with screen

Specialized programs (Software)

• SPSS (latest version)
• Expert Choice
• Neural Networks

Dr. George Theriou
Associate professor
Laboratory Director

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