Δρ. Καμενίδου Ειρήνη
Dr. Irene (Eirini) Kamenidou,
Professor of Marketing
PhD, MSc, BSc, BSc, BA
Democritus University of Thrace,
Dept. of Management Science and Technology
Agios Loukas, 65404, Kavala
Tel: 0030-2510-462157
e-mail: eikamenidou@mst.duth.gr
Ώρες συνεργασίας με φοιτητές:
Δευτέρα: 08:00 – 09:00
Πέμπτη: 14:00 – 15:00
Παρασκευή: 08:00 – 09:00
Academic Titles
PhD. Food Marketing (1999). Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, School of Agricultural Sciences, Dept. of Agriculture, Division of Agricultural Economics, Special Division: Marketing of Agricultural Products, Agricultural Policy and Cooperatives. Specialization: Marketing of Food Products. Thesis: Market Research of Processed Peach products in the Urban Design Unit of Thessaloniki, Greece. p.400.
MSc in Agricultural Economics (2019). Integrated MSc (law 3231/22.08.2019) due to 5-year study). Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, School of Agricultural Sciences, Dept. of Agriculture, Division of Agricultural Economics, Special Division: Marketing of Agricultural Products, Agricultural Policy and Cooperatives.
BSc in Agriculture (1989). Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, School of Agricultural Sciences, Dept. of Agriculture, Division of Agricultural Economics, Special Division: Marketing of Agricultural Products, Agricultural Policy and Cooperatives. 5-year study with integrated MSc (law 3231/22.08.2019).
B.Sc. Farm Management (1985). Alexander Technological Educational Institute of Thessaloniki., School of Applied Agriculture, Dept. of Farm Management.
B.A. Journalism (1988). Center of Philosophical Education of Thessaloniki (Private College).
Undergraduate level:
- Introduction to Marketing
- Consumer Behaviour
- Market Research
- Marketing of Agricultural Products, Food, and Beverages
- Social Marketing
- Industrial Marketing
- Retail and Wholesale Marketing
Postgraduate Level:
- Marketing Management
- Digital Marketing
- Marketing Research
- Consumer Behaviour
Research Interests:
- Marketing (Tourism, Agri-food, Social, Health, Cooperative, Green, Nonprofit)
- Market Research
- Consumer Behaviour
Refereed International Academic Journals: 53
- Vassilikopoulou, Aik. Kamenidou, I., Priporas, C.V., (2022). Negative Airbnb Reviews: An Aspect Based Sentiment Analysis Approach. EuroMed Journal of Business, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print. https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/EMJB-03-2022-0052/full/html?skipTracking=true (CABS 1*; IF= 4.163; Scopus; ABDC list: C*; SCIMAGOJR: H-INDEX= 26)
- Priporas, C.-V., Vellore-Nagarajan, D. and Kamenidou, I.(E). (2022). Stressful eating indulgence by generation Z: a cognitive conceptual framework of new age consumers’ obesity. European Journal of Marketing, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print. https://doi.org/10.1108/EJM-06-2021-0386 (CABS 3*; IF=4.647; Scopus; ABDC list: A*; SCIMAGOJR: Q1; H-INDEX= 100)
- Kamenidou, I(E), Mamalis, S. Stavrianea, A., Bara E-Z, Mylona, I., and Pavlidis, S.(2022). Risk Communication based on Gender Differences of COVID-19 Related Trusted Information Sources: Insights from the Generation Z Cohort. Medical Research Archives European Society of Medicine (ESMED), [online] 10(4) DOI: https://esmed.org/MRA/mra/article/view/2746/193546067
- Kamenidou, I.E, Stavrianea, A., (2022). Profiling Monastery Tourists based on Memorable Experiences, Place Identity, Satisfaction, Intention to Revisit and Intention to Recommend. Review of Integrative Business and Economics Research, 11(1), 86-110.
- Stavrianea, A. and Kamenidou, I. (2022). Complying digital transformation in online booking through experiential values of Generation Z. European Journal of Tourism Research, 30, 3003 -print ahead (SCOPUS, EBSCO Hospitality and Tourism Complete; CABI Leisure, Recreation and Tourism, ProQuest Research Library) DOI: https://doi.org/10.54055/ejtr.v30i.2590
- Kamenidou, I., Spyridon A. Mamalis, Ifigeneia Mylona, Aikaterini Stavrianea, Evangelia Zoi Bara (2021) Perceptions of Environmental Benefits from Sustainable Food Consumption Patterns: Evidence from the Generation Z and Y Cohort. J. of Agriculture Resources, Governance and Ecology (accepted forthcoming) 10.1504/IJARGE.2021.10042048
- Amanatidis, D., Mylona, I., Kamenidou, I. E., Mamalis, S., & Stavrianea, A. (2021). Mining Textual and Imagery Instagram Data during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Applied Sciences, 11(9), 4281 (IF=2.679, SCI, SCOPUS).
- Stavrianea, A. and Kamenidou, I. (2021). Memorable tourism experiences, image, satisfaction, and behavioral intentions: An empirical study of Santorini Island. EuroMed Journal of Business (CABS=1*; ABD: C; SJR: 0.63).
- Mylona, I., Amanatidis, D., Stavrianea, A, Kamenidou, I, & Mamalis, S. (2021). Promoting tourists’ destinations in Greece with social media: The Case of Kimolos. International Journal of Economics & Business Administration (IJEBA), 9(1), 347-361.
- Stavrianea, A., Kamenidou, I, Kanaouti, S., Theodosis, A (2021). Stereotypes and gender-neutral advertising: perceptions of the generation Z and Y cohorts, Asia Pacific Journal of Advanced Business and Social Studies, 7 (1), 14-23
- Kamenidou, I.E., Stavrianea, A., Mamalis, S., & Mylona, I. (2020). Knowledge Assessment of COVID-19 Symptoms: Gender Differences and Communication Routes for the Generation Z Cohort. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(19), 6964 (IF=3.390, SSCI, SCOPUS).
- Kamenidou, I.E., Stavrianea, A., & Liava, C. (2020). Achieving a Covid-19 Free Country: Citizens Preventive Measures and Communication Pathways. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(13), 4633 (IF=3.390, SSCI, SCOPUS).
- Kamenidou, I.E., Stavrianea, A., & Bara, E. Z. (2020). Generational Differences toward Organic Food Behavior: Insights from Five Generational Cohorts. Sustainability, 12(6), 2299. (IF=251)
- Amanatidis, D., Mylona, I., Mamalis, S., & Kamenidou, I. E. (2020). Social media for cultural communication: A critical investigation of museums’ Instagram practices. Journal of Tourism, Heritage & Services Marketing, 6(2), 38-44.
- Priporas, C.V., Stylos, N., & Kamenidou, I. (2020). City image, city brand personality, and Generation Z residents’ overall life satisfaction in economic crisis era: Predictors of city-related social media engagement. Journal of Business Research (ABS/ CABS=3*, IF= 4.028, SCOPUS)
- Priporas, C.V., Kamenidou, I., & Nguyen, N. (2019). The impact of the macroenvironment on consumer skepticism towards cause-related marketing: Insights from the economic crisis. International Marketing Review (ABS/ CABS=3*, IF= 3.447, SCOPUS), DOI 10.1108/IMR-04-2019-0124.
- Kamenidou, I. C., Mamalis, S. A., Pavlidis, S., & Bara E.Z. (2019). Segmenting the Generation Z Cohort University Students Based on Sustainable Food Consumption Behavior: A Preliminary Study. Sustainability, 11(3): 837-858 (IF=3.251) (AGORA (FAO), AGRICOLA, AGRIS – CABI, CAB, SSCI, SCI, DOAJ, EconPapers (RePEc), FSTA). https://www.mdpi.com/2071-1050/11/3/837
- Kamenidou, I.E.C., Mamalis, S. A., & Dimitriadis, E. (2018). Generation Z perceptions of quality certification: A cross-national study. International Journal of Food and Beverage Manufacturing and Business Models (IJFBMBM), 3(1): 23-41. (Cabell’s Directories, Google Scholar, Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory)
- Kamenidou, Ι., and Mamalis S., (2018). Engagement schemes in marketing courses: A case study from Greece. Journal of Advances in Higher Education 10 (1): 39-47
- Stavrianea, A., and Kamenidou, I. (2016). Religion in the context of economic crisis: The generation’s z perspective. International Journal of Strategic Innovative Marketing (IJSIM), 3(3): 56-68.
- Priporas, C.V., Kamenidou, I., Kapoulas, A., Papadopoulou, F.M. (2015). Counterfeit purchase typologies during an economic crisis. European Business Review, 27 (1): 2–16. (ABS*2, Εmerging Sources Citation Index (Clarivate Analytics), EBSCO).
- Kamenidou, I. and Vourou, R. (2015). Motivation factors for visiting religious sites: The case of Lesvos Island. European Journal of Tourism Research, 9: 78-91. (SCOPUS, EBSCO Hospitality and Tourism Complete; CABI Leisure, Recreation and Tourism, ProQuest Research Library)
- Papafotikas, I., Chatzoudes, D., and Kamenidou, I. (2014). Purchase decisions of Greek consumers: an empirical study. Paper presented at the EBEEC Conference, 9-12 of May 2013 in Instanbul, Turkey. The Economies of Balkan and Eastern Europe Countries in the Changed World (EBEEC 2013). Procedia Economics and Finance, 9: 456-465. (SCOPUS, Scholargoogle)
- Kamenidou, I.C., Mamalis, S. A., Priporas, C.V., and Kokkinis, G., (2014). Segmenting customers based on perceived importance of wellness facilities. Procedia Economics and Finance, 9: 417-424. (SCOPUS, Scholargoogle)
- Kamenidou, I.C., Mamalis, S. A., Kokkinis, G., Geranis, C., (2013). Image Components of Nightlife-Clubbing Destinations. TOURISMOS: An International Multidisciplinary Journal of Tourism, 8 (3):99-111. (SCOPUS, CAB Abstracts (CABI), CitEc, DOAJ EBSCO Publishing)
- Avdimiotis, Sp., Kokkinis, G., Kamenidou, I., (2012). Sharing knowledge between the peers of a Winery Network: The case of wine routes in Northern Greece. China-USA Business Review, 11 (1): 38-51.
- Kamenidou I, Mamalis, S., Kokkinis, G., and Intze, C (2011). Improvement Axons for Ardas Festival in Evros, Greece, based on attendees’ perceptions. Scientific Bulletin -Economic Sciences-(Buletin Stiinłific – Seria Stiinłe Economice), 10 (2): 62-73.
- Kamenidou, I., Aggelopoulos, S., and Batzios A. C. (2011). Natural medical attributes and benefits of Spirulina: Segmentation based on consumers’ knowledge. Journal of Medicinal Plants Research, 5(14): 3192-3199. (IF=0.590).
- Priporas, C.V and Kamenidou I. (2011). Perceptions of potential postgraduate Greek business students towards UK universities brand and brand reputation. Journal of Brand Management, 18(4/5): 264-273. (SCOPUS, ABS* 2, IF: 1.828)
- Kamenidou, I., Arabatzis, G. and Batzios, AC. (2010). Natural vs. Artificial Christmas Trees: Age Effects on Households Decoration Behaviour. International Journal of Food and Agriculture & Environment- ΙJFAE, 8 (3-4/ part 2): 1378-1382. (IF=0.350). (SCI)
- Kamenidou, I., and Priporas, C.V. (2010). Factors Predicting Consumers Knowledge of Spirulina Health Benefits. International Journal of Food and Agriculture & Environment-ΙJFAE, 8 (1): 16-20. (IF=0.350). (SCI, SCOPUS)
- Kamenidou I., Mamalis, S., and Priporas, C.V. (2009). Measuring Destination Image and Consumer Choice Criteria. The Case of Mykonos Island. TOURISMOS: An International Multidisciplinary Journal of Tourism, 4(3): 67-79. (SCOPUS, CAB Abstracts (CABI), CitEc, DOAJ EBSCO Publishing)